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New Energy Forum
In the face of the challenges related to climate change, energy, especially those based on renewable energy sources (RES), plays a key role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Panel discussions will focus on various aspects of the climate and energy transformation, seeking innovative solutions to support climate goals and energy security.

25.03.2025 | 10:30-12:30 | PLENARY SESSION
PLENARY SESSION 1: Multi-level governance: współpraca i współzależność interesariuszy zielonej transformacji. Jak skutecznie korzystać ze środków unijnych na atom i wodór?
PLENARY SESSION 2: ENERGY TRANSITION – Financing, Projects, Collaborations, Opportunities, and Threats. How to Effectively Utilize EU Funds for Nuclear Energy and Hydrogen?
25.03.2025 | 13:00 - 14:30 | Sala 1
Panel E1: How to Optimize Necessary Investments to Achieve the Target Energy Mix While Ensuring Energy Security?
25.03.2025 | 14:45 - 16:15 | Sala 1
Panel E2: Scenarios for the Development of the Energy System in the Medium- and Long-Term Perspective – How Will the Polish Energy System Evolve in Line with National and European Policies?
Electricity Market Design – Opportunities or Threats for Poland’s Energy Sector – How to Leverage the Former and Avoid the Latter.
25.03.2025 | 16:30 - 17:30 | Sala 1
Panel E3: The Impact of the Energy Transition on Poland's Energy and Economic Security
26.03.2025 | 10:00 - 11:30 | Sala 1
Panel E4: Energy Poverty – The Scale of the Issue in Poland, Prospects for Solving the Problem (including the implementation of the Social Climate Fund) and its Connection to Transport Poverty (the areas where both phenomena occur often overlap).
26.03.2025 |11:45 - 13:15 | Sala 1
Panel E5: Climate Change and the Acceleration of the Energy Transition. Challenges of the Energy Transition – Is Evolution Enough
26.03.2025 | 13:30 - 14:30 | Sala 1
Panel E6: The State of Energy Grids in the Era of the Energy Transition – Grids as a Platform for the Development of Distributed Energy. The Change in the Function of Grids from Supply to Supply-Consumption. Investment Needs.
26.03.2025 | 13:30 14:30 | Sala 5
Panel E7 PIME: Digitalization of the Energy Sector and Cybersecurity
26.03.2025 | 15:00 - 16:00 | SESJA PLENARNA I BANKIET
PLENARY SESSION 3 Signing of the Business Coalition Commitment for the Green Transition
Debate: Business vs. Economists on Accelerating the Green Transition Processes. Financing Nuclear Energy through Foreign Capital.
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